Shift Knob Engraving service
Engraving service for Manual and Automatic Shift Knobs
If you want to customize your new shifter with the Logo or Custom Engraving this is the service you need to use.
We offer a laser engraving with a high precision and a color fill with different colors for your shifter. After the shifter is painted, engraved and filled with the color of your choise we clear coat it for an additional protection and a high gloss.
- Every existing standard pattern will be engraved on top of the ball if you don't specified that you need it to be engraved on both sides
- If you want the standard engraving to be engraved on both sides you need to add this request to an additional field (Special request with your order)
- If you want to have TWO different pattern to be done you need to add both of them to the order. SAMPLE - You want to have Manual pattern on top and Coyote on the sides, you add the Manual pattern engraving and the Coyote engraving to the cart with the specific color you want and indicate for us that you want the coyote to be on both sides
- For a custom order you need to verify if we can engrave your idea on the ball. The picture should be in Black and White so we can adjust it for our laser machine. Write us an email to - with your picture and your order number (if you made one)
- Not all custom order can be done (for example color picture) but we try our best to adjust the picture we are getting from you to transfer your idea into the real piece. Don't hesitate to ask us via email -